Bird’s Nest in My Hair
A Hallow Eve reading From Courage to Change:
“Fear can become a power greater than myself.
I may not be able to make it go away.
But today, with a Higher Power who is greater than my fears, I don’t have to let them run my life or make my choices for me.
I can grab hold of my Higher Power’s hand, face my fears, and move through them.
Today instead of seeking relief from fear by trying to do battle with it, I will turn to my Higher Power.”
Some say that our brains are hard wired to expect the worst and be fearful. As humans evolved, this instinctual fear enabled us to be alert and survive. Some call it our “monkey brain.” On top of this inclination, our life experience will give us more reason to be afraid. As I experienced various dislocations and job changes over the course of my life, fear became my dominant emotion and likely ran my life from time to time.
Fear also creeps in ways that I do not even notice. How often do I fear what other people think? How many choices do I make so that I am accepted by others? What items do I purchase? What do I say or not say? And doesn’t it all go back to the need to survive and perhaps listening to my monkey brain?
Rarely is life so stark or black and white. I generally also had the habit of looking to The Higher Power, making conscious contact, and seeking guidance. Yet, I am sure that Fear frequently made it difficult for me to choose the better course or the higher good.
I know that at times I was aware of my fear, acknowledged it, saw it as a positive motivator, and followed its lead so that I and the family could be safe and secure. Is this all bad? As St. Paul says, “ All things work together for good for those who trust God.” While being inordinately afraid is not good, fear is a god given emotion that in itself is not bad.
Of this I am certain, there is much ambiguity and uncertainty in life. John Dunne CSC encouraged embracing understanding with your heart as opposed to thinking that you will find certainty with discursive reasoning. Dunne is likely on to something there. Even so, for me trying to follow path of the heart’s desire does not erase the fog of decision making or guarantee that fear will not run my life. Perhaps our hearts need a purity that is difficult to possess in this life of shadows, darkness and compromise? Perhaps the path includes earthquakes, mud slides, and avalanches if we choose the wrong fork in the road? Is there a wrong fork for those who seek to choose in the light of truth? Or may we think that we are on the path of our heart’s desire leading to God, but are not?
In the end, we may be in a bit of a fog from time to time which forces us to recognize our need for God and our dependence on Her to help us find our way. For the past few weeks, I have been reading daily the following four quotes of Mother Teresa:
“If we really fully belong to God, then we must be at His disposal and we must trust in Him. We must never be preoccupied with the future. There is no reason to be so. God is there.”
“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”
“Don’t search for God in far lands—He is not there. He is close to you. He is with you. Just keep the lamp burning and you will always see Him. Watch and pray. KEEP KINDLING THE LAMP AND YOU WILL SEE HIS LOVE AND YOU WILL SEE HOW SWEET IS THE LORD YOU LOVE.”
“Today more than ever, we NEED TO PRAY for the LIGHT to know the will of God, for the LOVE to accept the will of God, for THE WAY to do the will of God.”
Living in the present moment, let us rest in God’s love in which we all swim. May we see that we live and move and have our being in God. We are grounded in Her Love. It is very likely that we are free to choose our way and the Lord will bless our choices as we move toward fuller and deeper union with God. Lord: Reveal your love and mercy to us this day. Let us know the Love that casts out all fear. Enable us to rest in your love. Help us to “Be Not Afraid.” May You rather than Fear be our Higher Power.
“That the birds of worry and care fly above your head, this you cannot change. But that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent.”
- Chinese Proverb